About True Shuffle

   I don't know what you really want from me here. I was just annoyed at how unrandom the Spotify shuffle feature felt so I made this in a few hours. The interface is not the best, especially on mobile, but it's good enough for what I'm gonna use it for. I'll give Spotify some credit, their API is pretty decent. You can do pretty much whatever and there's lots of ways to do authorization including doing it all in the browser without me needing to make a backend. It has some real problems with consistency when it comes to how it wants you to pass arguments in the JSON strings; a lot of the functions use totally different formats for their parameters. I'd also say it's a little annoying how specific your GET requests have to be. You end up needing to make several requests to get different bits of the information you need when I would have made it just return a larger JSON argument that contained all the relevant information but what do I know. That's probably less efficient. Blah blah blah computers can't really be random, false advertising, whatever...