A collection of tiny coding projects
Click on a project to gain focus
Lorenz Attractor
~3 hours of coding
A simple simulation of the Lorenz attractor as an example of chaos theory.
~4 hours of coding
An unspecified combination of two of my favorite games. Move with the arrow keys, grow long, and clear lines for massive points.
CODEBuddy's favorite picture
~3 hours of coding
An interactive demo of my former statistics teacher's favorite picture. Demonstrates the relationship between alpha, beta, sample size, and the chance of error in hypothesis testing.
~1 hour of coding
A very simple game that's pretty much just circular pong. I'm sure the idea isn't new but it's a pretty decent distraction.
~1 hour of coding
I'm gonna pretend I didn't copy the Google version's color scheme. Left click to reveal, right click to place flags.
~30 minutes of coding
A bare-bones implementation of one of the most basic games ever, but a solid time-waster. Move with the arrow keys.
CODEASCII Video Filter
~45 minutes of coding
I wanted to see how easy it would be to play with the pixels of a video in real-time. It turned out to be quite easy.